Ny henvendelse

Dersom du ikke kan finne en løsning på ditt spørsmål eller problem i vår kunnskapsbase kan du få hjelp ved å kontakte oss. Velg den avdelingen som passer best fra listen under og send inn din henvendelse.

 General Inquiries

Have a question or need information about Viber Hosting's services? Our General Department is ready to provide you with comprehensive answers and guidance for all your web hosting needs.

 Sales Assistance

Looking to enhance your online presence or explore the best hosting solutions? Our Sales Department at Viber Hosting is dedicated to tailoring the perfect package for your business, helping you achieve your goals and take your website to new heights.


Our Abuse department handles issues related to misuse and violations of our services. We're dedicated to maintaining a secure and reliable hosting environment. If you encounter any abuse-related concerns like spam, phishing, or unauthorized activities, our team is here to investigate and take appropriate actions.